Funny freakouts nightmare house 2
Funny freakouts nightmare house 2

funny freakouts nightmare house 2

  • In " Tintin: The Crab with the Golden Claws" Tintin dreams he is turned into a bottle, which Haddock is planning to uncork.
  • He then dreams several strange images combining recent people he met and Egyptian artwork.
  • In " Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh" Tintin is locked inside an Egyptian tomb and put to sleep with sleeping gas.
  • Yet, for the sake of this article, let's just mention the nightmare scenes:

    funny freakouts nightmare house 2

  • The Adventures of Tintin: The dream sequences in "Tintin" will never be surpassed in terms of creepiness.
  • The idea is to cause the girls to despair.
  • An episode of Yes! Pretty Cure 5 features nightmare sequences for four of the main characters, induced by The Dragon for a pretty good reason.
  • As it turns out, it was a Flashback Nightmare from a previous timeline.

    funny freakouts nightmare house 2 funny freakouts nightmare house 2

    Oddly enough, as horrific as it was, Madoka didn't wake up startled, just confused. Puella Magi Madoka Magica's first sequence is this trope, complete with Deranged Animation, Alien Geometry, a wrecked landscape, and an Eldritch Abomination.It's actually caused by Takako/Fenrir, who wants to communicate with her. Himeno from Prétear has these in an episode of the anime.The premise of Nightmare Inspector is Hiruko the Baku's entering into people's nightmares with them in order to figure out what they mean.The worst part is that even if you wake up before it can get to you, you have no recollection of what happened in the dream. The Stand Death 13 has this ability in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, killing people when they fall asleep.


    The true psychological impact can't be had without seeing her slow degeneration throughout the series from using the puppet as a cute way to talk to people into being actively controlled by the puppet, but the images are arguably worse for sheer Nightmare Fuel out of context. The fact that this is how she equates her mother's death does NOT help matters in any way/shape/form. Digimon Tamers: During a Mind Rape-induced dream sequence (seen here, starting at 0:53), one protagonist experiences herself as a child running through a hospital and right into a razor-toothed, eyeless version of herself, with a snarling, drooling, oddly grinning version of her favorite sock puppet sewn onto her arm.Diamond Daydreams, in itself a rather subdued Slice of Life series, has Karin's often rather scary nightmares.And in an early episode of the anime, Rosette has a nightmare that's half a flashback, half a nightmare about her brother's kidnapping by the Big Bad. Rosette has a nightmare at the start of the Darkest Hour that serves to recap some of the trauma she's been through as well as gives a clear idea of her psychological state. Chrono has a nightmare where he's surrounded by dead bodies as Aion tempts him back to his side (hinting at his backstory). Happens several times in Chrono Crusade.Guts of Berserk has these quite often, both from his childhood trauma and from the monsters that constantly torment him post-Eclipse.The effect is doubled in the original version, where Chiyo's dad is voiced by Norio Wakamoto, famed for his roles as many villains, and while he's using his more wacky normal voice throughout the dream, when he threatened, Wakamoto dipped into his villain-voice (albeit a Large Ham one), making it feel like he was serious in ripping Osaka's tongue. It was mostly super bizarre because of Chiyo's dad's presence, but at the short end of the dream, Chiyo's dad suddenly threatens to rip off Osaka's tongue for her saying that she got cat's tongue, unlike him. Downplayed in Azumanga Daioh, when Osaka dreamt of meeting Chiyo's dad.This was a change from the original manga where Eren only saw a seemingly older Mikasa with shorter hair telling him that she'll see him later before waking up. Mikasa then notices Eren crying and asks him why, and Eren couldn't answer that either. He wakes up in fright with Mikasa nearby and tells her that he felt as if he had an extremely long dream but couldn't remember any of it. At the beginning of Attack on Titan, Eren experiences a very mysterious and disturbing nightmare complete with Titans eating people, a decapitated statue, a child's dolls spread out in the same positions as a group of dead soldiers, and a grainy shot of his mother being picked by a Titan.We don't even want to mention the further horrors that this poor kid has to go through during the story (even though he does partially deserve it). These dreams vary from giant stuffed animals attacking him, to visions of his horrifying future, to having his intestines spill out of him from simply falling. Tetsuo's series of nightmares and hallucinations in AKIRA.

    Funny freakouts nightmare house 2